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Villa Vetusta de Antaño y Ahora


Date un paseo por la historia con la asombrosa arquitectura de Villa Vetusta de Antaño y Ahora. Esta imponente mansión muestra la grandeza de diseño del Segundo Imperio con toda su gloria colonial... y cómo resiste el implacable paso del tiempo.




42 elementos están incluidos en este conjunto - | Las persianas de madera | The Century Mansion Ahora | La Mansion Anteriormente siglo | Pasamano curvado Izquierda Colonial | Colonial pasamanos curvo a derecha | Mansionatas Escaleras | mansarda Straight Potente | Piso con ventana de tejado mansarda Potente | Mansard Roof invertido Quina Potente | Mansard Roof Quina ángulo Mighty | Mighty Mansard Roof Quina | Mansard Roof única y poderosa recta | Tower Mansard Roof Potente | Ataque coronel Bannister | Colonial Mansion Barandilla | Puerta de Hierro Olvidó | ventana fragmentado Vision Stained Glass | Puerta Vidrieras fragmentado Visión | Puerta de pantalla con la más simple Temporada | ventana de pantalla con la más simple Temporada | Foros ventana No Never Alone | Historias visillos y recambio | abuelo reloj de tiempo medianoche | Araña Tulipas de cristal con colgante | | Araña Chain | Fan viento fuerte | Vida Hedge | a Moment in Time | Petróleo Timeless Beauty Enviado | Puerta Roto Vidrieras fragmentado Visión | Roto ventana de Casa Colonial | Puerta con pantalla Worn Temporada Simpler | pantalla de la ventana llevado con la Temporada Simpler | Foros ventana Always Alone 1 | Foros ventana Always Alone 2 | Placas Ventanas Always Alone 3 | Trabaja Telaraña 1 | Trabajo 2 de la araña web | Trabaja Telaraña 3 | persianas rotas leña |






Take a walk through history with the amazing architecture of Villa Vetusta of Yesteryear and Now. The imposing mansion shows the greatness of the Second Empire design with all its colonial glory ... and how to resist the relentless passage of time. 




42 items are included in this set - | Wood blinds | The Century Mansion Now | The Mansion Previously century | Railing Curved Left Colonial | Colonial curved handrail right | Mansionatas Stairs | mansard Straight Powerful | Apartment with roof window Powerful mansard | Mansard Roof invested powerful Quina | Mansard Roof angle Quina mighty | mighty Mansard Roof Quina | Mansard Roof unique and powerful straight | Mansard Roof powerful Tower | Attack Colonel Bannister | Colonial Mansion Railing | Iron Gate Forgot | fragmented Vision Stained Glass window | Door Stained fragmented Vision | screen Door with the simplest Season | window display with the simplest Season | No Never Alone window Forums | Stories curtains parts | grandfather clock midnight time | Spider pendant crystal cups | | Spider Chain | Fan strong wind | Life Hedge | a Moment in Time | Timeless Beauty Oil Shipped | Door Broken Vision Stained fragmented | Colonial House Broken window | Door screen worn Simpler Season | window screen led to the Simpler Season | Always Alone 1 Trailers window | window Always Alone 2 Forums | Plate Window Always Alone 3 | Cobweb Work 1 | Work 2 web spider | spider Web works 3 | broken shutters wood |



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